Currently, buildings consume 30% of the world’s energy. Creating a more efficient energy system within these buildings, it could go a long way in conserving energy and saving money across the planet. HVAC systems have the capabilities of detecting a change in time, temperature and environment that could adjust accordingly, but that is just a drop in the bucket.
Here are FIVE key benefits provided by smart technology
Reduces Energy Consumption
With the use of smart technology, the ability to conserve energy ranges from 5%-35% which obviously translates to significant financial savings.
Improves Building Efficiency
With the use of cameras and thermal sensors, data can be collected to help smart systems make adjustments about where heat and light are required.
Predictive Maintenance
Sensors can detect building performance and trigger maintenance procedures giving the building a more in-depth view of how the building is being operated and utilized
Getting More Out Of Occupants
With studies showing that employee happiness increases productivity by 20%, keeping your occupants comfortable and content is just good business.
More Efficient Planning And Use Of Resources
The data being collected from the smart technology provides insight that could be fed into planning and use of resources. When it comes to resource management, intelligence can be used in real-time as oppose to guess work.